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LMS Covered Van, grey  

NE Low-side open wagon

The majority of the Trix 4-wheel wagons were manufactured in tinplate in a variety of railway company liveries, including LMS, LNER, Southern, and BR. Several of the early pre-war wagons have large LMS and NE lettering. As with all Trix rolling stock, pre-war items have couplings made from a cast metal hook and wire link (see photos above). Post war, the 'Peco' style automatic hook was fitted, similar to that used on Hornby-Dublo railways.

Esso tank, silver, cast frame

Shell BP tank, plastic

In the early 50's, the tinplate underframe that had been used on wagons since the 30's was replaced with a diecast frame (as on the Esso tanker above). The first version of the cast frame did not have tinplate brake gear, and was deeper with an extra row of rivets. These wagons are quite rare, but not valuable. At the end of the fifties, Trix discontinued the tinplate-bodied wagons and started manufacturing wagons in plastic, with new cast frames. Later, the cast frames were replaced with plastic, resulting in all-plastic rolling stock (as on the Shell BP tanker above).

Wagons are listed in the table below:
  • British Railways (BR), Southern Railways (SR), London Midland Scottish (LMS), London North Eastern Railway (LNER and NE)
  • Prewar (pre 1939), Postwar (1948 -)     
3-Plank Wagon

600 BR brown tinplate frame
600 BR grey tinplate frame
600 BR grey Cadet frame
600 LMS brown prewar
600 LMS brown postwar

P601 BR red plastic body, cast frame
P602 BR grey plastic body, cast frame

P603 BR grey plastic body, with Trestle and Plate load

612 BR grey tinplate frame with container load
612 BR brown tinplate frame with container load
612 BR grey cast frame with container load
612 LMS brown prewar with container load
612 LMS brown postwar with container load 

630 BR brown cast frame
630 BR grey cast frame

639 BR grey cast frame with container load




600 Cadet BR 3-plank, grey


Low-Sided Wagon

601 BR brown tinplate frame
2/601 LMS grey prewar LMS lettering
2/601 LMS brown prewar
601 LMS brown postwar
4/601 LNER red prewar
601 LNER red postwar

608 (various) with coal load

609 LMS brown prewar with ballast load
609 LMS brown postwar with ballast load
609 LNER grey prewar with ballast load
609 LNER red prewar with ballast load
609 LNER red postwar with ballast load

634 BR red cast frame

BR Open low

BR coal



609 LNER prewar


High-Sided Wagon

603 BR grey 12T tinplate frame
603 BR grey 15T tinplate frame
2/603 LMS grey 'Loco Coal Only' prewar
2/603 LMS brown prewar
2/603 LMS brown 'Loco' prewar
603 LMS brown 'Loco' postwar
603 LMS brown postwar
4/603 LNER grey prewar 'NE'
4/603 LNER grey prewar
603 LNER grey postwar
5/603 SR brown prewar
603 SR brown postwar
604 Trix yellow prewar
605 Bassett-Lowke grey prewar
607 Hinchliffes red prewar
607 Hinchliffes red postwar
607 Charringtons red prewar
607 Charringtons red postwar
634 BR grey cast frame

606 The majority of the prewar and early postwar wagons above were available with coal loads
609 - ditto - low sided wagons with ballast loads

609 BR grey tinplate frame with ballast load
609 BR grey cast frame with ballast load
637 BR grey cast frame with coal load
638 BR grey cast frame with ballast load

604 Trix

605 Bassett-Lowke

607 Hinchliffes

5/603 SR

607 Charringtons

2/603 LMS Loco Coal Only

2/603 LMS LOCO

4/603 NE

603 NE postwar

Crane Truck Set

615 Dark grey prewar
615 Light grey tinplate frame
615 Light grey cast frame
615 Red plastic body cast frame

Shunter's Truck

620 Shunters Truck grey cast frame
(illustrated with Ruston Hornsby loco)

Covered Van

2/621 LMS brown prewar
621 LMS brown postwar
2/621 LMS grey prewar
621 LMS grey postwar
4/621 LNER red prewar
621 LNER red postwar
661 SR Refrigerated prewar cream
661 SR Refrigerated postwar cream

4/621 NE





Cattle Wagon

627 BR brown tinplate frame
627 BR grey tinplate frame
627 LMS brown prewar
627 LMS brown postwar
636 BR brown cast frame
636 BR grey cast frame

627 LMS Cattle prewar

636 BR brown cast frame

627 BR grey tinplate frame


Tank Wagons

640 Esso yellow prewar
640 Esso yellow postwar
641 Esso silver tinplate
641 Esso silver cast frame

643 Shell Oil red prewar
643 Shell Oil red postwar
644 Shell silver tinplate frame
644 Shell silver cast frame
[644]Shell silver Cadet frame

645 U.D. green prewar
645 U.D. green postwar

646 Shell red tinplate frame



Goods Brake Van

2/650 LMS brown prewar
650 LMS brown postwar
2/650 LMS grey prewar, large LMS lettering
2/650 LMS grey prewar
650 LMS grey postwar
4/650 LNER red prewar, large NE lettering
4/650 LNER red prewar
650 LNER red postwar
5/650 SR brown prewar
650 SR brown postwar
650 BR brown
tinplate frame
650 BR brown cast frame
650 BR grey tinplate frame
650 BR grey cast frame
650 BR grey Cadet frame
651 BR ?

650 SR


Goods Brake with lights

653 BR grey, cast body, cast frame

Timber wagon (long wheelbase, postwar)

657 Timber load, tinplate frame

Tarpaulin Wagon
low and high-sided wagons with fabric cover

660 BR grey, tinplate frame
660 BR red, cast frame
660 LNER red prewar low sided
660 LNER red postwar
660 LMS brown prewar low sided
660 LMS brown postwar
662 BR grey, tinplate frame



Timber wagon (prewar)

662 Timber load

Operating Dump Wagon

666 Cast body, cast frame

Bogie Bolster

671 No load, prewar
671 No load, postwar
673 Timber load, prewar
673 Timber load, postwar



Bogie Brick

675 BR red postwar
675 NE red prewar
675 NE red postwar

Bogie High Capacity

676 BR grey postwar
676 LMS brown prewar
676 LMS brown postwar


676 LMS brown

676 BR grey

Weltrol Wagon (postwar)

677 BR black or grey
678 BR black or grey with Marine Boiler load
679 BR black or grey with Transformer load
680 BR black or grey with BICC Cable Drum load




American Wagons

681 Flatcar
682 Lumber empty
683 Lumber with timber load
684 Gondola grey
684 Gondola black
685 Boxcar red
686 Refrigerator white
687 Fruit yellow
688 Union Oil Tanker red
689 Texaco Oil Tanker silver
690 Caboose red



684 grey





'P' series wagons manufactured during the later 1950's
The majority have plastic bodywork on a cast frame

Pig Iron

P604 BR red
P605 BR grey

Mineral Wagons

P606 BR grey
P607 BR red
P608 BR grey, Coal
P609 BR grey, Ore
P611 BR red, Ballast
P612 BR red, Coal
P660 BR grey, Tarpaulin

Covered Vans

P613 BR red
P614 BR grey


P616 ConFlat A, BR red
P617 ConFlat A  BR Std Cont, red
P618 ConFlat A  Insulated Container, white
P619 ConFlat B  2 Birds Eye Containers

Brake Vans

P621 BR grey
P622 BR red
P653 BR grey with lights

Tank Wagons

P641Shell red
P644 Shell aluminium
P646 Esso aluminium

Operating Dump Wagon

P666 BR grey

Weltrol Wagons

P674 BR black, Granite Block load
P677 BR black, no load
P678 BR black, Marine Boiler load
P679 BR black Transformer load
P680 BR black, BICC Cable Drum load



Late series wagons, plastic body on plastic frame
1601 Open, red
1602 Open, grey
1603 Open Trestle and Plate, grey
1604 Pig Iron, red
1605 Pig Iron, grey
1606 16 Ton Mineral, grey

1606.jpg (6965 bytes)

1607 16 Ton Mineral, red

1607.jpg (6967 bytes)

1608 Coal, grey
1609 Iron Ore, grey
1610 Crane With Truck (Trix Express)
1611 Ballast, red
1612 Coal, red
1613 12 Ton Van, red

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 1614 12 Ton Van, grey

1614.jpg (7143 bytes)

1616 ConFlat A red
1617 ConFlat A BR Std Cont
1618 ConFlat A Insul Cont
1619 ConFlat B Birds Eye
1620 Shunters Truck
1621 Brake Van, grey

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1622 Brake Van, red

1622.jpg (7672 bytes)

1623 Conflat A with Speedfreight Container

1623.jpg (8221 bytes)

1624 Freight with Cab (TE), brown
1626 Livestock (TE), brown
1630 Cattle French (TE), brown
1631 7 Plank LMS
1631 also Trix Express
1632 7 Plank GWR
1632 also Trix Express
1633 7 Plank SR
1633 also Trix Express
1634 7 Plank NE
1634 also Trix Express
1635 Closed Van (TE)
1636 Covered Van (TE)
1637 12 Wheel Heavy Duty (TE)
1638 Tanker Regent, grey
1638 also Trix Express
1639 Tanker BP green
1639 also Trix Express
1640 Tanker Gasoline, red (TE)
1641 Tanker Shell-BP, red

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1644 Tanker Esso, silver

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1642 Tanker Shell, black
1643 Tanker Esso, black
1644 Tanker Shell, silver
1645 Tanker BP, green

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1647 Tanker Fina, silver

1647.jpg (8086 bytes)

1646 Tanker Esso, silver
1648 Tanker Total, grey
1648 also Trix Express
1649 Tanker Mobil, silver

1649.jpg (8415 bytes)

1650 Tanker Fina, black
1651 Low-side (TE)
1652 Track Cleaning (TE)
1653 Goods Brake Lights 2-rail
1653 also Trix Express
1654 Goods Brake Lights 3-rail
1654 also Trix Express
1655 Freightliner Bogie
1655 also Trix Express
1656 7 Plank van
1657 PO Spiers
1657 also Trix Express

W 1657.jpg (6979 bytes)

1658 PO Maltby
1658 also Trix Express

W 1658.jpg (7450 bytes)

1659 PO Salter

W 1659.jpg (7392 bytes)

1660 Mineral Tarpaulin, grey
1661 PO Young

W 1661.jpg (7489 bytes)

1662 PO Ocean

W 1662.jpg (7566 bytes)

1663 Car Transporter (TE)
1664 PO Hall & Co

W 1664.jpg (6777 bytes)

1665 PO ICI

W 1665.jpg (7019 bytes)

1666 PO Blue Circle Cement

W 1666.jpg (7237 bytes)

1667 PO Charringtons

W 1667.jpg (7368 bytes)

1668 PO Isaac Wilkinson

W 1668.jpg (7351 bytes)

1669 PO Abbott

W 1669.jpg (7380 bytes)

1670 PO Stewarts & Lloyd

W 1670.jpg (7219 bytes)

1671 PO Chubb

W 1671.jpg (6534 bytes)

1672 PO Gordon Jamesons

W 1672.jpg (7308 bytes)

1673 PO Roberts Jenks

W 1673.jpg (6761 bytes)

1674 PO Sutton Manor

W 1674.jpg (6448 bytes)

1675 PO Nicholsons' Brewers

W 1675.jpg (6849 bytes)

1677 Weltrol
1678 Weltrol Marine Boiler
1679 Weltrol Transformer
1680 Weltrol Cable Drum
1680 Bulk Grain J Walker
1681 Bulk Grain Haig
1683 Bulk Grain VAT 69
1683 also Trix Express
1684 Bulk Grain King George IV
1685 Bulk Grain Dewar
1686 Bulk Grain Crawford
1687 Bulk Grain White Horse
1687 also Trix Express
1688 Bulk Grain J Stuart
1689 Bulk Grain Maltsters A
1690 Bulk Grain Abbotts Ch
1691 Bulk Grain BR
1692 Bulk Grain BR open
1698 Low Gondola (TE)
1699 ? (TE)

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Jul 2007